CENTIC y Answare participan en NESSI meeting (Bruselas) y colaboran en la Agenda Estratégica de Investigación e innovación SRIA
Del 7 al 8 de Marzo en Bruselas; ANSWARE TECHNOLOGIES junto con CENTIC han estado participando de forma activa en «the Thought Leadership Workshop», organizado por NESSI, la Plataforma Tecnológica Europea del Software y Servicios. El objetivo de este taller de trabajo fue identificar las tendencias de futuro del Software y Servicios para Europa. Este trabajo ayuda a construir la Agenda Estratégica de Investigación e innovación SRIA de NESSI, que proporciona a la Comisión Europea recomendaciones para el ICT Work Programme de Horizonte 2020, centrándose en el papel clave que juegan los principios, técnicas y herramientas genéricos de la ingeniería del Software.
On 7-8th March in Brussels; ANSWARE TECHNOLOGIES together with CENTIC have been actively participating to the Thought Leadership Workshop organized by NESSI the European Technological Platform for Software & Services. The goal of the workshop was to identify the future trends of Software & Services for Europe. This work helps at building the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of NESSI that provides the European Commission with recommendations towards ICT Work Programme of the Horizon 2020 and beyond H2020, focussing on the key role that generic software engineering principles, techniques and tools will play. It argues for key software engineering challenges to be addressed by research and innovation actions towards realizing a Software Continuum. To avoid replicating investments and research effort, NESSI advocates setting up centralized activities on generic software engineering principles, techniques and tools, which may feed complementary more domain specific activities.
About ANSWARE Technologies S.L.
Answare is an ISO 9001:2008 and CMMI DEV level 3 and CMMI SVC level 3 certified Spanish ICT-based SME operating in national and international markets. The portfolio includes the provision of ICT consultancy services and development of turn-key and R&D projects in a large spectrum of technological sectors (Security and Emergency management, AeroSpace & Defence, eHealth, Energy and Tourism). Answare has traditional experience in Monitoring and control systems, Decision support, Mobility and Augmented Reality. Answare has been involved in R&D projects at national level and at European level for Horizon 2020 and former FP6 and FP7 and for EUREKA clusters (ITEA2/Software, CELTIC/Telecommunications and EUROSTARS/SMEs). Answare is very active in European initiatives around Software & Services, being founding member of the BDVA (Big Data Value Association) and member of the BDV PPP Board of Directors, member of the Board and Steering Committee of NESSI (European Technological Platform for Software & Services) and PLANETIC, the ICT Technology Platform in Spain. Answare has helped to set-up Technology Platforms to foster Cooperation on ICT between Europe and Latin America (FP7 611517 CONECTA 2020) and Mediterranean countries (FP7 612076 MOSAIC).
NESSI is the European Technology Platform (ETP) dedicated to Software, Services and Data. NESSI provides input to EU Institutions on research actions and technology matters of particular importance to the software domain, and the overall aim is to enable the software and services sector help vitalize the great potential of the European economy and society. NESSI gathers Partners and Members from all over Europe, from industry, research centres and academia, and engages in close dialogue with the European Commission and other stakeholders on topics of relevance to NESSI, including cloud computing, cyber physical systems, and everything-as-a-service. NESSI takes an active role in addressing future challenges of Europe, by working to ensure that sufficient resources are invested in leading-edge research and innovation for technologies in the software and service domain. Europe has to turn its outstanding R&I potential, its infrastructure and its technological environment into successful product development and marketable products in order to maintain its competitive edge.
Estas acciones se enmarcan dentro de las actividades de Vigilancia Tecnológica de CENTIC. Dentro del convenio del INFO 2017 cofinanciado con fondos FEDER y CARM.