CENTIC ayuda a las empresas TIC a participar en @ITEA_3, 13-14- de Septiembre París #ITEA3 #proyectoseuropeos @RegMurciaBrux

PO Days 2016 page header¿Estas preparado para ITEA 3? ITEA PO Days 2016 – 13-14 Septiembre, Paris

No lo dejes para el último momento. En eventos anteriores el registro se cerró con semanas de antelación. 

CENTIC esta preparando a fondo la participación en este evento europeo de software, uno de los Cluster de mayor éxito sin duda, como es el Cluster EUREKA

CENTIC, consultor  homologado para CHEQUEUROPA,  con amplia experiencia en esta convocatoria ayuda especialmente a las empresas TIC interesadas en esta oportunidad.

 Si estas interesado no lo dejes escapar y ponte en contacto con nosotros cuanto antes.  

centic@centic.es  968964400


ARE YOU READY??  ITEA 3 Call 3: Start to prepare now!

ITEA PO Days 2016 – 13-14 September, Paris

On 13 September, ITEA 3 Call 3 will open in conjunction with the ITEA Project Outline (PO) Preparation Days in Paris on 13 and 14 September 2016. This event will give you a head start in preparing a PO; you will learn and discuss about new project ideas, meet and partner up with consortium members and find out more about the Call details.

ITEA PO Days 2016 in Paris: make sure to be there!

The ITEA PO Days is the perfect way to get a flying start in preparing for an ITEA Project Outline. Why?

  • “A network is built from people and when you get to know them, you can know who to trust and you can build a consortium from that. Without meeting the people in person, this is more complicated”, according to Pasi Kuvaja of the University of Oulu who attended the PO Days since their very beginning in 1998;
  • The numbers show why: 74% of the submitted ITEA 3 Call 2 POs resulted from the PO Days 2015. Similar results have been measured over the past few years;
  • You are able to present your project idea(s) or learn about project ideas in the poster session and during the pitch sessions and then discuss project ideas in workgroup sessions with those interested to be part of the project;
  • You can meet companies from all over the world in one spot, most probably the EUREKA associated countries Canada, South Korea, and South Africa as well;
  • You can learn from best practices presented by the ITEA Office and see how the ITEA Office can support you during the full project lifetime.

PO Days registration

If you are interested in participating in the PO Days 2016, please fill in the online registration.

The participation fee for the PO Days is 100 euro, VAT excluded (Public Authorities are exempted from this fee).

***Previous years have proved to be so popular that we reached the maximum number of registrations weeks before the event, so please make sure you register in time!***

Get started now

You can already get started for this Call by using the ITEA Project Idea tool, the partner search and message board. It is highly recommended to start shaping project idea(s) and identifying potential partners in advance to optimise your preparation period.

Interested in our Call, but unable to join the PO Days 2016?

If you are interested but not able to come to Paris, our set of online tools can help you shape your idea, form your consortium and start your Project Outline preparation even before the opening of the Call.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris!

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Centro Tecnológico de las Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones

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