Eureka Innovation Days 22-24 May 2018 in Helsinki Finland #innovation #eureka
Benefit from cross-fertilisation of ideas from adjacent areas of smart industries. Network and collaborate with your peers. Come to Helsinki and join the expected over 1,000 participants to this event!
13:00-16:00 EUREKA Academy
The EUREKA Academy is a great opportunity to learn more about the different instruments and success stories of the EUREKA family. EUREKA is a network supporting small and large companies, universities and research institutes who realise the value of collaborating internationally in research, development and innovation.
09:00-12:00 Developing high-performance European innovation platforms in a globally competitive marketplace
A rich mix of keynote speakers address the topic of developing and improving European innovation collaboration for the future. European and international speakers include experts in innovation platforms and new drivers such as disruptive innovation.
13:00-16:00 South Korea Collaboration Forum
South Korea, already an active associated country within EUREKA for many years, will be present in Helsinki for the official signing ceremony, when it will become the first ever EUREKA Partner Country. The afternoon’s programme will include both industry and public sector, providing a compact overview of the huge innovation potential of this country. This event will also enable participants to further their understanding of possibilities for R&D collaboration with Korea.
A timetable of guided tours of the exhibition area and B2B matchmaking opportunities during the day.
09:00-10:00 Opening plenary – Drivers for Smart Industries
This session comprises two keynotes challenging your thinking about cross-cutting topics relevant to all smart industries.
10:30-12:15 Parallel Modules on Smart Energy and Smart Health
Get exciting, new insights into the hottest topics in the areas of Smart Energy and Smart Health.
13:30-15:15 Parallel Modules on Smart Mobility and Smart Industry
Get exciting, new insights into the hottest topics in the areas of Smart Mobility and Smart Industry.
15:45-17:00 The Millennium Technology Prize Winner announces the EUREKA Innovation Award Winners
The recipient of the previous day’s Millennium Technology Prize 2018 – worthy winner of 1 million euro, will present their ground-breaking technological innovation, and discuss the collaboration that has and will be necessary for its continuing development. The three EUREKA Award finalists will also be presenting their projects on stage and pitching for the ultimate accolade of being crowned EUREKA Innovation Award winner 2018.
A timetable of guided tours of the exhibition area and B2B matchmaking opportunities during the day.
09:00-10:45 Industry-led Collaboration
What kind of conclusions can we draw from yesterday’s parallel theme sessions, and what can be learned from other industries, across the four specific fields?
EUREKA Clusters provide strong support for collaboration and co-creation within their specific fields. This session kicks off the day, focusing on industry-lead collaboration – both for larger companies and SMEs.
11:15-13:00 Parallel Cluster Community Sessions (open sessions)
EUREKA Cluster-specific sessions will be open for all Innovation Days participants. Companies participating in these Clusters will be on stage to present their innovations and answer questions. Some Clusters will continue their Community Sessions after lunch.
14:00-17:00 Idea Session – New Projects
Have a project idea and want to find partners? This session provides an open stage for fast-pitching your project ideas to an audience and getting instant feedback from EUREKA experts.
A timetable of guided tours of the exhibition area and B2B matchmaking opportunities during the day.
TechTours (to be confirmed)
A possibility to visit Finnish companies and research organisations.